One frequency, 3 Licensed users
I stumbled on to a UHF frequency that I initially thought was a school, so I added it to my school system list for investigation later. On random days, I turn on that school system in my scanners and just passively listen to see which frequencies are actually being used, and if they are in fact schools.
One frequency in particular I very quickly realized was being used by 3 separate organizations and 2 of them were clearly not a school. On first pass, one still might be a school, one is a maintenance department at a facility, and one is DMR Digital Voice and appears to be a construction site.
An initial FCC license search confirms that this frequency is licensed by several users concurrently. So now the challenge is, can I determine a set of unique signal characteristics to match against each user. Frequency is obviously the same between all 3. But perhaps CTCSS/DCS is used on the 2 analog users and then DMR for the 3rd user should be easy to isolate.
I've performed alot of logging, now I just need to isolate the data and program it back into the scanners to see if I figured it out.